Recruiting Agent

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Overwhelming Application Experience!

With Seven Seas, make the application process easy for the students, and let it be efficient and effective at the same time and connect them with diverse education institutes depending on their program choice

Seven Seas Education Service, enlisted as Canadian Federal Organization, Open the Doors to:

With 100000+ programs including distinct areas of study, a student may opt for top university across countries

We assist every student from application, arrival and after arrival service like overcoming homesickness or managing funds

Your Student may apply to diverse schools or universities using one profile

Let you student search and apply for the best program easily based upon his interest goals

You may manage your student data be it application, visa status, communication and workflows from one place

Gain commissions, points, discounts and bonus to facilitate your growth

        Our Artificial Intelligence (AI) Driven Technology assists you throughout the process of searching for the best university and campus for your students, meeting interest area and eligibility criteria.

        Our Artificial Intelligence (AI) Driven Technology assists you throughout the process of searching for the best university and campus for your students, meeting interest area and eligibility criteria.

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Assisted Students


Acceptance Rates


Partner Schools